How worlds biggest corporations like Apple, Nike and Facebook are cutting their taxes?

Jul 14, 2023


It's no secret that some of the world's largest corporations, such as Apple, Nike, and Facebook, have been scrutinized for their tax practices. These companies, known for their immense wealth and global reach, have found ways to minimize their tax liabilities, often through complex strategies and legal loopholes. In this blog post, we will explore how these corporations are cutting their taxes and the implications it has on the global economy.

Transfer Pricing

One of the key methods used by these corporations to reduce their tax bills is through a practice called transfer pricing. This involves setting prices for goods, services, or intellectual property transferred between different subsidiaries or divisions of the same company. By manipulating these prices, companies can shift profits to low-tax jurisdictions, effectively reducing their overall tax burden.

transfer pricing

Tax Havens

Another popular strategy employed by these corporations is the use of tax havens. These are countries or territories that offer favorable tax rates and financial secrecy to attract businesses. By establishing subsidiaries or holding companies in these tax havens, corporations can take advantage of lower tax rates on their profits. This practice has drawn criticism as it allows companies to avoid paying their fair share of taxes in the countries where they generate their revenue.

tax havens

Intellectual Property Rights

Many of these corporations heavily rely on intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, to generate their profits. By assigning these rights to subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions, they can allocate a significant portion of their profits to these entities. This allows them to take advantage of favorable tax rates on intellectual property income, further reducing their tax liabilities.

intellectual property

Complex Corporate Structures

Large corporations often utilize complex corporate structures to minimize their tax obligations. By establishing multiple subsidiaries in different countries, they can allocate expenses and profits in a way that minimizes their overall tax liability. These structures can be highly intricate and involve a network of subsidiaries, holding companies, and offshore entities.

corporate structures

Government Incentives and Loopholes

In some cases, these corporations take advantage of government incentives and loopholes to reduce their tax bills. Governments may offer tax breaks or subsidies to encourage investment, job creation, or research and development. While these incentives can be beneficial, they can also be exploited by corporations to further minimize their tax obligations.

tax incentives

Public Backlash and Calls for Reform

As the public becomes more aware of these tax avoidance practices, there has been a growing backlash against corporations that engage in such activities. Critics argue that these practices undermine the fairness of the tax system and shift the burden onto ordinary taxpayers. There have been calls for increased transparency, stricter regulations, and international cooperation to address these issues.

public backlash

The Global Impact

The tax practices of these corporations have far-reaching implications for the global economy. By reducing their tax payments, they contribute less to public coffers, ultimately affecting the funding available for essential public services, infrastructure, and social programs. This can create an uneven playing field for smaller businesses that are unable to employ similar tax strategies, leading to a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few multinational corporations.

global impact


The tax-cutting strategies employed by the world's biggest corporations like Apple, Nike, and Facebook have sparked debates about fairness, corporate responsibility, and the need for tax reform. As governments and international organizations continue to address these issues, it remains to be seen how these corporations will adapt and whether the global tax landscape will undergo significant changes in the future.